New Staff Application
Thanks for joining us; we're pumped to have you!
Please read all of our instructions below regarding the application process. This process will take about 40 minutes and should be completed in a single session (anyone wishing to start now and complete it later must sign into Google to save your progress).
There are 3 steps to this process:
TRAC Application (see note)
DHS Online Background Check (at a later time, see below)
*After finishing steps 1 & 2, we will send a link to fill out an Oklahoma DHS background check. Please wait for the email to fill this out. The printable paperwork has a link to the online background check - please wait for the correct link from TRAC staff.
Note: Be sure to tell us about special skills like nurse, psychologist, photographer, etc. These special skills may be needed to fill a position at camp.
*If you do not have access to a printer, contact Jeremy Shea (405) 219-7973 or Becky Shea (405) 219-7985.
Please provide the requested information as soon as possible for camp planning. To start your application, click the button below.